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  Mon, Nov 27, 2006
Netherlands 2006 General Election Final Results
Definitive national- and provincial-level results of the 2006 general election in the Netherlands, issued today by the Dutch Electoral Council (Kiesraad), are now available in Elections to the Dutch Tweede Kamer (House of Representatives).

Provincial-level figures are now available as well for the 1998, 2002 and 2003 general elections.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/27/2006 15:16 | permanent link

  Wed, Nov 22, 2006
2006 Dutch General Election Definitive Preliminary Results (updated Nov-25-2006)
The Dutch newsdaily De Telegraaf ("The Telegraph") reports definitive preliminary results of the parliamentary election held in the Netherlands last November 22 were as follows:

Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) - 2,606,468 votes (26.5%), 41 seats
Labour Party (PvdA) - 2,079,394 votes (21.2%), 33 seats
Socialist Party (SP) - 1,627,234 votes (16.6%), 25 seats
People's Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) - 1,440,727 votes (14.7%), 22 seats
Party for Freedom (PVV) - 578,372 votes (5.9%), 9 seats
Green Left (GL) - 450,711 votes (4.6%), 7 seats
Christian Union (CU) - 390,614 votes (4.0%), 6 seats
Democrats 66 (D66) - 192,432 votes (2.0%), 3 seats
Party for the Animals (PvdD) - 179,067 votes (1.8%), 2 seats
Political Reformed Party (SGP) - 153,295 votes (1.6%), 2 seats
One NL - 62,789 votes (0.6%), no seats
Others - 58,266 votes (0.6%), no seats

A total of 9,834,928 voters took part in the election, for a turnout rate of 80.2%.

Definitive election results are expected to be available on Monday, November 27.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/22/2006 22:32 | permanent link

  Mon, Nov 20, 2006
Latvia 2006 Saeima Election Definitive Results
Latvia's Central Election Commission reports definitive results of the 9th Saeima Election held last October 7 were as follows:

People's Party - 177,481 votes (19.6%), 23 seats
Union of Greens and Farmers - 151,595 votes (16.7%), 18 seats
New Era - 148,602 votes (16.4%), 18 seats
Harmony Center - 130,887 votes (14.4%), 17 seats
First Party of Latvia & Latvia's Way - 77,869 votes (8.6%), 10 seats
For Fatherland and Freedom - 62,989 votes (6.9%), 8 seats
For Human Rights in a United Latvia - 54,684 votes (6.0%), 6 seats
Latvian Social Democratic Workers' Party - 31,728 votes (3.5%), no seats
Others - 65,830 votes (7.3%), no seats

The total number of valid ballot envelopes was 907,460. As set forth by Article 38 of the Saeima election law, the number of valid ballot envelopes shall be regarded as the total number of votes cast (the total number of voters taking part in the election).

Earlier this month, Latvian President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga reappointed Prime Minister Aigars Kalvītis as head of government, and he formed a four-party coalition cabinet composed of his People's Party, the Union of Greens and Farmers, First Party of Latvia and Latvia's Way, and For Fatherland and Freedom. Kalvītis' new government holds a majority of 59 seats in the 100-seat Saeima, and easily won a parliamentary vote of confidence last November 7.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/20/2006 15:02 | permanent link

  Sun, Nov 19, 2006
Presidential Elections in France
France will be holding a presidential election next year, on April 22, 2007. Presidential election results since 1965 are now available in Part I of Presidential Elections in France.

The presidential election in France may still be five months away, but the race for the Élysée Palace is already beginning to take shape. In a primary held last Thursday, Socialist Party members overwhelmingly chose Poitou-Charentes regional president Ségolène Royal as their party's presidential candidate. Ms. Royal, a former cabinet minister who is also a member of the National Assembly, is the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major party in France, and could become the country's first-ever female head of state.

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy (the son of a Hungarian immigrant), who is also the leader of the ruling Gaullist, right-of-center Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) remains his party's likely presidential nominee - so long as outgoing President Jacques Chirac decides not to run for a third term. Chirac, who turns 74 later this month, has yet to indicate whether or not he will stand for re-election.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/19/2006 20:21 | permanent link

  Wed, Nov 08, 2006
Mapa de elecciones a la Cámara de Representantes de los E.E.U.U. de 2006
(This posting is also available in English.)

Los resultados de las elecciones intermedias del día de ayer en los Estados Unidos le dieron a los Demócratas una mayoría en la Cámara de Representantes por primera vez desde 1994. Al momento de redactarse esta entrada, los Demócratas han sacado o están al frente en 232 escaños, mientras que los Republicanos han conseguido o se encuentran en la delantera en 203.


El mapa de las elecciones de 2006 para la Cámara de Representantes, presentado aquí anteriormente, se encuentra ahora disponible en Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/08/2006 17:41 | permanent link

U.S. House of Representatives 2006 election map
(Esta entrada está disponible también en español.)

The results of yesterday's mid-term election in the United States gave the Democrats a majority in the House of Representatives for the first time since 1994. As of this posting, the Democrats have won or lead in 232 seats, while Republicans have secured or are ahead in 203.


The House of Representatives 2006 election map previously shown here is now available in Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/08/2006 17:41 | permanent link

Mapa de elecciones al Senado de los E.E.U.U. de 2006 (actualizado el 9-Nov-2006)
(This posting is also available in English.)

Los resultados actualizados de las elecciones intermedias del pasado martes en los Estados Unidos le han dado al Partido Demócrata el control del Senado de los E.E.U.U., efectivo el próximo mes de enero. Los Demócratas (junto con dos independientes) se apuntaron una ganancia neta de seis escaños en el Senado, para un total de 51 escaños - una mayoría de dos sobre los Republicanos.

Se anticipaba que habría recuento de votos tanto en Montana como en Virginia, donde los demócratas Jon Tester y Jim Webb prevalecieron por márgenes sumamente estrechos sobre los incumbentes republicanos Conrad Burns y George Allen, respectivamente. Sin embargo, en el día de hoy tanto Burns como Allen reconocieron la derrota en sus respectivas contiendas senatoriales.


El mapa de las elecciones al Senado de los E.E.U.U. de 2006, presentado aquí anteriormente, se encuentra ahora disponible en Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/08/2006 13:32 | permanent link

U.S. Senate 2006 election map
(Esta entrada está disponible también en español.)

Updated results of Tuesday's mid-term election in the United States have given control of the U.S. Senate to the Democratic Party, effective next January. The Democrats (along with two independents) scored a net gain of six Senate seats, for a total of 51 seats - a majority of two over the Republicans.

Vote recounts had been anticipated in Montana and Virginia, where Democrats Jon Tester and Jim Webb prevailed by very narrow margins over incumbent Republicans Conrad Burns and George Allen, respectively. However, today both Burns and Allen acknowledged defeat in their respective Senate races.


The U.S. Senate 2006 election map previously shown here is now available in Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/08/2006 13:32 | permanent link

  Tue, Nov 07, 2006
U.S. legislative election maps, 2000-2004
(Esta entrada está disponible también en español.)

The United States of America holds a mid-term election today. In the election, voters will choose all 435 members of the House of Representatives and one-third of the Senate (33 out of 100 seats). Representatives are elected every two years, while Senators hold office for six years.

In addition, 36 states will hold gubernatorial elections, and numerous state and local contests will be held throughout the country.

Since the 1994 general election, the Republican Party controls both the House of Representatives and (save for a brief period from 2001 to 2002) the Senate. Previously, the Democratic Party had held majorities in both houses of the U.S. Congress since 1954, except from 1981 to 1987, when Republicans had a Senate majority.

Recent legislative elections have been characterized by few changes in the party makeup of both houses of Congress. Since 1994, the Republicans have held 50 to 55 seats in the Senate, as well as 221 to 232 seats in the House of Representatives, while Democrats have won 44 to 50 Senate seats, and 202 to 212 House seats.


The 2000, 2002 and 2004 U.S. Senate and House of Representatives election maps previously shown here are now available in Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/07/2006 15:00 | permanent link

Mapas de elecciones legislativas en los E.E.U.U., 2000-2004
(This posting is also available in English.)

Los Estados Unidos de América celebran elecciones intermedias en el día de hoy. En la elección, los electores escogerán a todos los 435 miembros de la Cámara de Representantes y a una tercera parte del Senado (33 escaños de 100). Los representantes son electos cada dos años, mientras que los senadores ocupan el cargo por seis años.

En adición, 36 estados celebrarán elecciones gubernatoriales, y se llevarán a cabo numerosas contiendas estatales y locales a lo largo del país.

Desde las elecciones generales de 1994, el Partido Republicano controla tanto la Cámara de Representantes como (salvo por un corto período de 2001 a 2002) el Senado. Anteriormente, el Partido Demócrata había ostentando mayorías en ambas cámaras del Congreso de los E.E.U.U., excepto de 1981 a 1987, cuando los Republicanos contaron con mayoría en el Senado.

Las elecciones legislativas de años recientes se han caracterizado por los pocos cambios que ha habido en la composición partidista de ambas cámaras del Congreso. Desde 1994, los Republicanos han contado con entre 50 y 55 escaños en el Senado, así como 221 a 232 escaños en la Cámara de Representantes, mientras que los Democrátas han conseguido de 44 a 50 escaños en el Senado, y de 202 a 212 escaños en la Cámara.


Los mapas electorales de 2000, 2002 y 2004 para el Senado de los E.E.U.U. y la Cámara de Representantes, presentados aquí anteriormente, se encuentran ahora disponibles en Federal Elections in the United States of America.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/07/2006 15:00 | permanent link

  Sun, Nov 05, 2006
Elections in Catalonia 2006: PSC, ERC and ICV reach an agreement
(Esta entrada está disponible también en español.)

The Spanish press reports tonight that the Catalan Socialists' Party (PSC), Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and Initiative for Catalonia Greens (ICV) have reached an agreement to form a new three-party government, which would be headed by PSC leader José Montilla.

According to provisional results of the parliamentary election held in Catalonia last November 1st, PSC, ERC and ICV hold between themselves an absolute majority of five seats in the 135-member legislature. The Convergence and Union (CiU) federation, which ruled Catalonia from 1980 to 2003, won once more the largest number of seats in the election, but as in 2003 it would remain out of power if the PSC-ERC-ICV agreement is approved by the three left-wing parties.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/05/2006 20:37 | permanent link

Elecciones en Cataluña 2006: PSC, ERC e ICV llegan a un acuerdo
(This posting is also available in English.)

La prensa española informa esta noche que el Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC), Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) e Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds (ICV) han llegado a un acuerdo para formar un nuevo gobierno tripartito, el cual sería encabezado por el líder del PSC, José Montilla.

Según los resultados provisionales de las elecciones parlamentarias celebradas en Cataluña el pasado 1ro de noviembre, el PSC, la ERC e ICV cuentan entre sí con una mayoría absoluta de cinco escaños en la legislatura de 135 miembros. La federación de Convergència i Unió (CiU), que gobernara a Cataluña de 1980 a 2003, obtuvo una vez más el mayor número de escaños en la elección, pero al igual que en 2003 permanecería fuera del gobierno si el acuerdo PSC-ERC-ICV es aprobado por los tres partidos de izquierda.

posted by Manuel Álvarez-Rivera : 11/05/2006 20:37 | permanent link